Sunday, April 24, 2005
Humm...gotta recover from that lousy cough and flu I'm having now. Kinda breathless when I run. Bad. I need to be in gd condition by tml. Haha, still gotta train hard for my IPPT gold. =P Field camp coming in the sat after next. A test of mental and physical endurance I must say to live in the wilderness for 7 days and must always remain vigilant or else you can expect a hell load of shit when your rifle is stolen while you're away in lala land. HAha. Yesterday played bball in the morning with boon, jun, js, edwin and cck and their first comment about me was that I became fatter. = Jun say all the muscular lines on my back and arm are now replaced with a chunk of meat called fat. Haha. Think I've really been eating too much during my first 2 weeks. Ok, gotta control my food intake and yup, NO MORE NIGHT SNACKS!!! Haha. Also had dinner at Holland V there with seng, cck, tick, bc, mel and fun. Haha, as usual, the guys were late but the gals were later? LoL. Was like trying to decide on what to eat and walk here and there for 1/2 an hour before coming to a conclusion to flip a coin as to either bk or crystal jade. The coin chose bk but we chose otherwise. Haha. After which we had our little chat at coffee bean. Wow, seriously, after hearing all the good trainings of the commando tick is having, I seriously think that mine was not even worth mentioning. (the seng's training one is totally out of the discussion.) Ok, so I shall train even harder now coz I know that my training is actually quite "slack" relative to ticky's. No more complains and negative thoughts. Haha.
Alright there, booking in in about 4 hours plus time. leaving home in abt 3 hrs time. Managed to get a free ride from des cousin. Song lah, save the transport fee. Five more days to next book out day! Haha.
Outwit, Outclass, Outstrive,
2:36 PM
Friday, April 22, 2005
Damn, I'm a tanned botak now. Wow, that was a hell of a 2 weeks for me. Kinda xiong and talk about the progressive training they've planned...don't wanna know what they've planned for us in the following weeks. Think my platoon is either welfare or my platoon is simple fucked up. Haha. We got the nice sergeants then we always like take it for granted and slack here and there. In the end always kanna pumped or run here and there for punishment. But can really see the fighting spirit in the platoon when the tough gets going. Managed to scrape through the tough parts and bond quite well with one and other. Sadly lah, out of 44 peeps in there, already like 15 got atten B status. In case u didn't know, it's fallin ill. So training with the reamaing small group only loh. Seriously feel that some are really sick and so juz chao geng one loh. Then also got a few wayang kings in my platoon liao. Sian. Haha. Don't care lah, I juz continue my low profile. Btw, damn sian, I kanna the drill commitee liao and so, gotta train for the drill inter-company competition meaning I'll have less admin time and rest time. =S Sadded... Oh ya, lost my 11B in the camp loh on my way back from the cookhouse but luckily my platoon sergeant found it. Really grateful for it coz I don't wanna spend 50 bucks and go to cmpb on my bookout day to make one. Makes me more alert now. Haha. Lesson learnt.
This 2 weeks makes me realise the importance of a mental support. When the going gets tough, I always ask myself, "What the hell am I struggling here for?" I wish I could juz be like the others who juz go see the Medical Officer because of flu, headaches, etc. I know of my platoon mates who seek strength from the gf. For me, I don't know, everytime when I juz feel I couldn't go on, there'll be this person's voice ringing in my mind. Haha. Suprisingly, this person don't even exist in reality at all. But the fact is everytime she's always there telling me not to give up, juz go on a little bit more, endure a bit more gives me that extra strength to push me further. Frankly speaking, I really need to have an aim to all the things I do or I see no point in doing it. Protecting the country is sacred but the fact is that something, or someone in this country I really would give up my life to protect makes me positive in training. Perhaps I'm too over mentally dependent on a person. So be it, an imaginary ideal partner is also not too bad an idea.
Haha...enough for now. Gotta go do my own stuffs already. Maybe tml will write again. =D
9:36 PM
Thursday, April 07, 2005
All right's like the last night before the 2 weeks of good days inside Tekong where all boys become men. -.- Well, juz finished packing and ready to go. Humm...kinda sian leh, dun feel like going also. Nvm. Don't know how's the life inside's going to be. Hope it's fun (and interesting and not pump pump pump all the way...) and there's things to learn. Actually go in also good, haha, much more simpler life there.
Realise that there's still things that I cannot let go. Still care a lot for some whom I feel for but I guess it's juz a waste of time and energy. Think it's true, when you reach a certain point of disappointment, lotsa things can't hurt you anymore and the numbness juz takes over. Haha, a bit sad also, never get to see Coffee Bean Girl the last night before my 2 weeks confinement. Maybe when I book out I'll go there agian and hopefully, she's there. Kinda dumb eh? Maybe love for me is really juz looking from a distance and not really getting involved in it. Coz that way, things seemed perfect and nice and everything. Haha, the ideal case of love eh? Humm...maybe go in also let me forget all these things with all the 'good' trainings that left me no time to think of all these with my tired body and mind. Haha. Yea, that's it.
Ok now, gotta go play some games then sleep loh! Cya peeps 2 weeks later! =D
10:16 PM
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Ok, juz kinda created my own blog. Wow, it's like totally cool for a html-idiot like me. Was juz leeching from peeps here and there and then maybe designing my own background and stuffs and then uploading... Yeh yeh yeh. Ok. Let this be the first testing page. Haha. Testing. Testing 1. Testing 2. Testing 3. A 1, a 2, a 1 2 3 go!
8:52 PM