Friday, January 25, 2008
Don't let others know your dreams. Coz they juz feed you with negativity.
10:12 PM
Friday, January 18, 2008
The end of 1st week of the 2nd sem. Managed to tie up most of the loose ends of the things I didn't understand during the the after school mugging. Guess I really need to do so coz juz think that I really ain't juz like those peeps around me who seems to understand what the whole lecture is about. If I ain't having the talent, at least more hardwork to compensate for the gap.
The one module that I did enjoy is Modern Physics. At least till now. Haha. So far the lecures that I had for the Physics modules did give me some new and strange ideas about the space-time continuum and relation with mass and stuffs. Weird thoughts that I pen down in my little booklet in case they turn out useful in the future.
My heart must have travelled near the speed of light. Why? Coz with respect to me, time seems to have been travelling much slower for it. The only conclusion drawn is that time has dilated for it under special relativistic conditions.Ok. That's crap.
ZZZzz. My thoughts are still at war with one another. Conflicting views. Contradictory feelings. Confusing emotions. Trapped within the very walls I built.
If only I can play my guitar like a pro, then I'll jam all my feelings into music.
11:27 PM
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Ever since school starts the same feeling comes back. Went for Soci Lec today I think I'm starting to fall under the social deviant group. Maybe not.
It's not like there's nothing to do in life. Sometimes juz feel that there's something lacking in my life. Something strong enough to drive me through life.
Never really has something strong that I can believe in. Those beliefs, values and views that I held strongly to in the past have all been overruled by the test of the time. Wrong. Wrong Wrong. So what the hell is the this society turning to? I don't understand. That's why I took SC1101E - Making Sense of Society.
Hmm..planning to take the guitar course after CNY with Jun but maybe I might start earlier. Firstly, my life is seriously on a downside and I think that music will be of some positive help. Secondly, Jun is still indecisive about learning the drums or the E. guitar which I think he might juz gay on me when the time comes to register for the lesson. I juz need something to look forward to now, no matter how short term it might be.
Sluggish mind now. Can't even believe that I felt sick of playing computer games which I though would give me some energy to get going. Fuck. I need a jab of adrenaline into my veins.
9:54 PM
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Hmmm...first post of 2008. Well, always been wanting to learn a musical instrument and guitar seems to be like a easy (to pick up girls) and cool one to learn. Never did I thought that last Friday, I would juz throw in more than half of my pay into an electric guitar and an Amp. Thanks Kenneth for taking some time out to choose a guitar for me. Haha. And Jun, so are you doing EG with me or drums? =x
Introducing my new baby - Ibanez GSA60 TK

Isn't she beautiful? Haha. The lady said it was much better for a beginner (which sounded a little sarcastic) but I'm sure I'll work hard to make me a worthy player for it.

A small Amp. The rest are all @ an unholy price range which I don't really think I would need such a good one now. Maybe when I get to perform at Wala Wala, I would consider getting a 500 bucks Amp. At least with this, I can pluck in my headphones and no one would complain about the bad sounds I'm producing. Haha.

Hmm. Learning the basic cords. My left hand fingers still a little stiff. Need more stretching to do. Now that I'm kinda broke, gotta wait till after CNY (when I get some extra $$$) before I go get my lessons starting. Meanwhile, master the basics so I can save some time (and cash) when my lessons start. =D
10:31 PM